Service Learning Grading Procedure
In order to count as service learning, students' work in the community must be incorporated into course grading. Professors decide how much weight service learning will carry in a course. Professors are also often involved in evaluating the quality of students' service learning performance.
However, community partners are often the best judges of performance, and their perspective must be taken into account. One of Loyola's service learning course criteria is: "The quality of students' performance must be evaluated by someone representing the community partner or its constituents. Students may be evaluated in groups or individually. Evaluations must be incorporated into course grading."
Students completing service learning placements will automatically be evaluated by an agency supervisor at the end of the semester. This evaluation will be sent to the professor for grading purposes. Students participating in service learning projects should be evaluated by community partners and professors. Grading should reflect both quality and quantity.
Quality measures
- Positive impact of students' work
- Enthusiasm, interest, motivation, openness to learning and growth
- Professionalism
- Depth of reflection on service learning activities
Quantity measures
- Amount of time and effort expended
- Demonstrated increases in knowledge or skills
- Size and scope of outputs or deliverables
- Adherence to deadlines and timelines