Prospective Partner
New placement agencies are traditionally considered every summer (late May, June and July). During this time, our staff will follow up with applicants to learn more about your agency. This process may include informational meetings with key staff, site visits, and/or program observations. Project partners are solicited on an as-needed basis, usually through a "call for partners." The professor or OCELTS will circulate a short description of a service learning course and a few parameters and ideas for possible projects. Calls for partners are sent to all agencies in the service learning database. Any interested agency may respond to a call for partners with a brief description of a proposed project. Agencies may also apply to be added to the project partners list. Learn about the differences between projects and placements.
Criteria for agency partners
- Agency's mission complements Loyola's mission.
- Agency has an appropriate level of volunteer management capacity.
- The needs and assets of the agency match the needs and assets of Loyola's service learning program.
- Agency can offer shifts that meet students' scheduling needs.
- Agency can offer tasks relevant to students' interests and skills, and appropriate to course learning goals.
- The location of the agency is near to the university, or easily accessible via public transportation.
- Agency must procure and maintain general liability insurance that covers volunteers.
- Agency must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency or public agency.
- Agency must employ at least one full time staff member.
Agencies interested in partnering with Loyola's service learning program, must complete the SL Partnership Application Form to begin the agency review process.
If a mutually beneficial partnership can be formed, your agency will need to read and agree to all the provisions in Loyola’s memorandum of understanding (MOU), which outlines mutual expectations and clarifies liability matters.