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Service Learning Course Criteria

The Service Learning Faculty Advisory Committee has approved the following criteria for all service learning courses at Loyola. These criteria must be met in order for a course to be designated as a service learning course in LORA. Limited exceptions may be granted by SLFAC.

  1. Service learning activities must be performed in conjunction with a credit-bearing academic course with a university course code.
  2. Service learning activities must support or enhance student learning objectives in the course. The role of service learning in achieving specific learning objectives must be stated in the course syllabus.
  3. Service learning activities must be performed in partnership with an identifiable agency or organization. Most community partners are nonprofit or government agencies or organizations. This is subject to limited public good exceptions, to be determined by the Service Learning Faculty Advisory Committee. Partner organizations must have a signed Memorandum of Understanding on file prior to the commencement of service learning activities.
  4. To be eligible for transcript notations, students must document a minimum of 15 hours of time and effort per semester using either an official timesheet (for placements) or an hours report (for projects). Documented time may include training, orientation and planning time as well as on-site or direct service time. (Note: students who travel regularly to off-campus service learning sites are entitled to a 10% transportation hours credit.) The 15-hour minimum is subject to limited exceptions based on community benefit, course learning goals, or course enrollment. Exceptions must be approved by the Service Learning Faculty Advisory Committee.
  5. The quality of students' performance must be evaluated by someone representing the community partner or its constituents. Students may be evaluated in groups or individually. Evaluations must be incorporated into course grading.
  6. Service learning activities must be mutually beneficial to effective teaching and learning and to a community partner and/or its constituents.
  7. For off-campus service learning activities, all participating students must complete and submit a Service Learning Liability Waiver.